Cherie Rayner , Dental Hygienist
“A great smile starts with building a healthy foundation in your teeth. I really enjoy working with patients to help them achieve an optimal oral hygiene regime so their teeth can stay healthy now, and well into the future.”
Cherie is an experienced dental hygienist, who joined the Glo Dental family in 2021. With a degree from Curtin University of Technology in WA, Cherie is known for her gentle and thorough approach.
From building awareness around oral hygiene to applying treatments such as flourides, sealants, and tooth whitening, Cherie is laser-focused on building fantastic rapport with her patients.
She has a particular interest in restoring health to the tissues that support the teeth, gums and bone (aka periodontal treatment) through cleaning and other techniques. Ultimately, it’s all about encouraging a healthy smile!
On her time off, Cherie can be found day-tripping in the great outdoors with her children, exploring the beach and other gorgeous spots around the area.