Sleep Dentistry or Sedation

How would you like the idea of coming in to Glo Dental, and having all your dental work completed while you sleep comfortably, and wake up with no recollection of the procedure at all?
With Sedation or Sleep Dentistry we are able to offer you a unique experience, where you can conquer any fear of needles, drills, noise, sensitivity or discomfort.
We offer 2 different sedation techniques :
Intravenous (IV) Sedation
IV Sedation (also called Twilight Sedation) is a completely safe procedure where we utilise the expertise of an anaesthetist who will be present along-side your dentist, while your treatment is being carried out. You are asleep during the appointment, and when you wake up, all your dental treatment is finished!
Inhalation Sedation / Gas
Nitrous oxide is a gas, commonly known as ‘happy gas’ or ‘laughing gas’. Giving nitrous oxide is a way to help reduce a person’s pain and anxiety during dental treatment. You will breathe the gas through a small nosepiece that sits on your nose.
Please feel free to discuss this with us at your next visit, alternatively, you can speak to us on 08-9414 7255 or email [email protected] for more information.
Get In Touch With Us
At glo Dental, we strive to give you a healthy smile
At glo Dental we do things differently. We listen, we care about you and we feel that our job goes beyond just analyzing your oral cavity and prescribing a suitable course of treatment. We believe that it’s essential to understand the needs and requirements of every patient and to establish a flow of communication by interacting with them not merely as their dentists, but also as someone who is willing to take into consideration each person’s viewpoint. If you are looking for a Cockburn Central dentist, get in touch today!